Portalupi Wine

California’s wine industry is historically rooted in the great Italian immigrants who brought with them not only their spirit of living life to its fullest but also the first cuttings that would establish Cal Ital’s wine industry and love for Italian wines. At Portalupi we define “Cal Ital” as a way of living, respecting the Old Traditions merging them into our contemporary lives of today. The world feels like a better place when you live a “Cal Ital” state of mind. It’s embracing what you have, being happy and proud of who and what you are. The world feels like a better place when you live a “Cal Ital” state of mind. It’s embracing what you have, being happy and proud of who and what you are. Every day is a celebration of life, taking the time to gather and enjoy the moment with friends and family. Gathering is most often around a big meal and great wine- a natural thing that just happens during the day, fueled around a highly expressive and passionate conversation. When Tim and I started Portalupi in 2002, we wanted to focus on our Italian roots, bringing forward Italian varietals and the Cal Ital lifestyle. Portalupi believes now more than ever that we need to embrace the virtues of the Cal Ital lifestyle. There is no app for that, it’s time to put the phone down for a moment and be grateful for everything around you.


Ooh La Luxe

